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Kamis, 09 Juli 2015

letter two

A Law

Twilight wind started to blew, day has turned to night. Then on the way i still hoping that there is burried hope. My income of a appreciation and justice. My self who is too brittle and weak should follow the path which named law. I don’t care what other sees about my self now. I just looking for justice and hope. Like in this country, law just valid for rich people.
Law in this country is like a knife, sharp on the top and dull in under. Where one law case will completely invastigate  if you have thick wallet. Where is one case will played if you have thin wallet. How irony in this country which known has many SDA and human but still, and like what it said that this cauntry is a law country where law valid for  everyone in this country. But what? Ah, I don’t know how to explain. Everything just written on a paper, which that paper will torn if only seen but not done. I love this country but why this country is too wicked and cruel.

Wait, what do i think, this country is wicked? Cruel? Seems like i don’t thankful with my beautiful country, in this country i was born and raised. In this country i sang Indonesia Raya song. But the country’s ruler are too wicked and cruel. Peoples right are carried away with brutal and forcing way. I am one of the citizen country that not reputed. He i am just need a justice of the death of my childrens.

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