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Selasa, 05 Mei 2015

The Simple Present Tense

Pattern : Subject + Verb1
It is used to indicate :
·         Habitual actions.
Ex : I have breakfast at 7am.
       We go to church every Sunday.
·         Repeated actions.
Ex : The bell rings every hour.
        The traffic lights changer every 3 minutes.
·         General truth / facts.
Ex : The sun rises in the East.
        Indonesian people eat rice.

The verb is added by s or es if the subject is the third person singular (he, she, or it) :
·         es is added for the verbs ending in :
ex : ch (catch), s (kiss), sh (brush), x (fix), z (whizz)
·         es is also added for the verb ending in y and it is preceded y a consonant, but y is changed to i first :
ex : study à studies, carry à carries, try     à tries
for the verb ending in y but it is preceded by a vowel, they are only added by s :
ex : pay à pays, say à says
·         es is especially added for the verbs go and do :
ex : go à goes, do à does

To make negative and interrogative sentences, the auxiliary verbs are needed :
            Auxiliary         Subject
                DO                 You
               DOES               She
The time adverbials used in the simple present tense :

always, sometimes, generally, every, usually, frequently, never, rarely, seldom, often, ever.

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