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Sabtu, 25 Juli 2015

What Kind of Job I want after i graduate from University

what to do after graduation?

hello, my name is Bagus Sahrul Umar, I was 22 years old in August of this year. I studied at the University Gunadarma final semester majoring in computer systems, faculty of computer science and information technology. besides studying, I worked or taught at the Laboratory of Electronics and primary and secondary computer, I work from level 2 or 2013. My desire in this laboratory work is to develop my skills in the field of electronics, especially robotics and arduino.
after graduation I would like to work with the field I learned in college, working in companies such as developers or related to electronics. I have given ability is still very low, then I'm not too choose much if there are companies that recruited me. I am also willing to work while studying, so what I do it will receive new knowledge useful.
there are several candidates name of the company that I will try to join, the company Sucofindo and Java power, I chose the company because I reasoned that in addition the company has a good name in the community and I also get to learn new things every day.

conclusion of my story is that I was not too choose the type of job or the company that will hire me, which is most preferred in the work for me is, how do I use to others as well as I learn new things every day would also have income in kind for work I do.

letter ten

Beware of Flash Floods !

            Avoiding the dangers of a flash flood requires people in a ares at risk to pay attention to possible signs of the disaster and take immediate action. First, when a thunderstorm or heavy rain happens in the area, they must stay alert for changing conditions. Next, when they hear a roaring sound upstream, or when they notice the creek water rising and becoming muddy, they must run for higher ground without delay. When a bridge is awash, they must bot cross it. The fast moving water can sweep a vechile off into the creek, not to mention a human being. In brief, people’s safety depends on their alertness and quick reaction.

letter nine

Life a Proud Father

            To a man from Rote Island in East Nusa Tenggara, wearing the traditional hat ti’i langga makes him feel like a dignified person proud of his success in educating his children. A father will feel good if his children are successful in life because they have taken his advice. He has self-respect because his children have held on to his principles. If his children become good for nothing person, he will lose his self respect and dignity. Similarly, a Rote man feels confident and dignified when he wears the ti’I langga because the hat shows the characteristics of his people. He feels good because he is part of his ethnicity. He also displays the uniqueness and beauty of his culture as shown in the hat. Without his ti’I langga, he is without identity as a Rote man just a like a father is without pride and dignity.

letter eight

When You Fall in Love

            Known as puppy love, kitten love, calf love, or in Bahasa, cinta monyet, love at an early age is very human inspite of all animal names used to label it. It is a part of growing up. It is very first experience we come to love someone outside our family. It is the first step towars a romantic love to grow into a more mature love. And when love strikes, you will find yourself innersed in a strange yet new sensation and day dream about the object of your affection. Although all is fair in love and war, you have to be fair to yourself by managing your feelings of love. Here’s how.

letter seven

Hombo Batu

            Hombo Batu or stone jumping on the island of Nias, North Sumatra, is not a sport. It is an ancient ritual to earn manhood. The ritual is for boys who are between 12 ang 15 years old. The ceremony takes place in the village of Bawomataluo. When the big day arrives, the young men put on their traditional clothes. They have to jump over a stone wall of two meters tall. First, starting at a distance from the stone, the jumpers race towards the stone. Next, they hop on the stepping stone placed in front of the wall. Then they leap over the wall and, before they land on the ground, they turn around. They land back on their feet facing the wall. Jumpers who can do the ritual are considered ready to take the challenges and responsibilities of adult life.

Letter Six

I Made It …

Sayyang Pattudu in Mandar, West Sulawesi, is a celebration for children who have completed the recitation of the Quran. The ritual is perfomed to express gratitude to God. The celebration takes place once a year in the month of Rabiul Awwal of the Arabic calendar. When the big day comes, children wear their traditional clothes. Then they ride on decorated horses and parade trough the town. They sit on the horses with the left leg beny behind and the right leg bent in front of the body. The parade is accompanied by traditional music, At the end, everybody eats together.

Kamis, 09 Juli 2015

letter five


How tired i am, after a day going to the campus. I am being mocked in campus the whole day. I knew exactly my lack. Seems like i want to revenge, i want to pull out their stomach contents who has mocked me and i will make plan about this thing. There is some of them who mock me hardly, they are john, sammyh, and dika. They are son of investor on my campus. Supposing that i am a rich person maybe this would be different.
Today is saturday. I have prepare everything from the place for their execution till my equipment for my entertain. I laughed inside. I already know that on saturday they suppose to go to the club together.
When that red car move quickly in a lonely road, i expressly hit my body so that they hit the brake suddenly. And it worked. I spray them sleepy spray until all of them fainted. I rode their car and went to my execution place. After i arrived at my place,  choose the my first victim which is sammy. I really revolted with him because of him, i am dumped from my class. I lay him down in a desk. I slice his arm and he shouted loudly and then i cut his throat and come out his stomach contens. How happy i am. An then i go to dika and john. I do the same thing to them like what i did to sammy. After feeling satisfied, i throw their body into a trash.

I am awaken from my sleep. I go to my campus imedietly and i still see the three of them. Actually i was just dreaming. But that dream will become a reality soon.

letter four

Halloween Night

Last year me and my friends celebrate halloween party with wearing cosplay that scary enough. But in this year is a little different then last year. My friend named Disty a couple months a go died with tragic way. Untill now the killer haven’t found and her died case is still misterious. The police is still looking for the subject  and spead diagram face of the subject and the result is still not identification perfectly.
Halloween in this year is so boring, Disty is the one who usually make me and my friend smiled and laughed with her joike. This night, me and my firend make a halloween party with visiting every house and ask for candies. First, i don’t feel something weird that happend in that halloween night. But then suddenly, there is a man from my back came up with a crowbar. The situation become dibble when that man pointed uoward that cowbar to my friends . ONE, TWO, THREE, i counted my friends who got attacked by that mab. I don’t know why we are atackted. But before i kow it, me and Nay, my friend is hiding under the tree heard a saw machine that operated. I look back and and i found that that saw is hitting Nay who is ripped in terrific way. In front of my eyes, i saw the death of my friends. And now, it’s just me who should face that psycho.
With a stick of steel, now i should face my death god alone. Apperently, i was wrong. That psycho is more faster than i could imagine. That saw pointed to me and then i was like bringing back to flashback.
30 years a go in halloween night, in the same exact place. A tragedy happened. Kids in our age and in the same amount die in tragic way. And that’s why in that halloween night there is no adult going outside.

That saw hitting my skin and torn it and my body too. Now i ralized that that psyco is the descent of the 30 years a go psyco.

letter three


Not too offense with all of this, but this is a real proof that our government is in under position or have no morality. For example when law in our country is like a sharp knife when the top is sharp. Many of our citizen that not satisfied with performance of our law instrument. Many of them who choose power instead of professionalism of their jow. Corruption is not a new thing in our country. Many of that case around our citizeb but now what’s happening? Their cases is like gone away or that case is even wider, ike corruption case of herlambang and century. What happened with their case? Where are the suspect? Upholeder law is not doing anything except they enjoy the corruption result and devided it to other suspect and they will safely protected.

The citizenry have clever enough with this cases and they seems like revolted with what upholeder law doing. That’s just the law for rich poeple or the corruption one. How about law for the poor one? For example in grandma Minah’s case. She is being charged that she steal three cocoa fruit and then she is being punished by three years in jail. Where is the public prosecutor normality? This is actually cliche problem and don’t have to brought in law. Where is the human right for that grandma?

letter two

A Law

Twilight wind started to blew, day has turned to night. Then on the way i still hoping that there is burried hope. My income of a appreciation and justice. My self who is too brittle and weak should follow the path which named law. I don’t care what other sees about my self now. I just looking for justice and hope. Like in this country, law just valid for rich people.
Law in this country is like a knife, sharp on the top and dull in under. Where one law case will completely invastigate  if you have thick wallet. Where is one case will played if you have thin wallet. How irony in this country which known has many SDA and human but still, and like what it said that this cauntry is a law country where law valid for  everyone in this country. But what? Ah, I don’t know how to explain. Everything just written on a paper, which that paper will torn if only seen but not done. I love this country but why this country is too wicked and cruel.

Wait, what do i think, this country is wicked? Cruel? Seems like i don’t thankful with my beautiful country, in this country i was born and raised. In this country i sang Indonesia Raya song. But the country’s ruler are too wicked and cruel. Peoples right are carried away with brutal and forcing way. I am one of the citizen country that not reputed. He i am just need a justice of the death of my childrens.

letter one

Behind The Story

Being a writter is not my dream, I just write because i wanted to fullfil my imagination that has been flooded in my mind, everything that is in my brain and heart. I poured it on writting. In here, i wanted to tell a shocking experience. Me and my friend named Rana. Rana is an imangination girl who always disturb my mind, She came to my imagination with no reason. She is so beautiful and cute. I only try to remember who is she looks like. But my thought is like tied with sometting when i tried to remember Rana.
          Me and Rana is cool in my mind. Rana is like trying to convey something to my brain but like what i said, that everytime i started to think about Rana it’s so hard. This night is a lonely night. I am sleeping in my bedroom. Everything is ok and when I started to sleep thightly, i saw a girl on my age, i enactive this is this a dream of real. Everything is liketrapped in different dimension. Where that dimension which i pass is too fleeting and real. Wait, i know that girl. I really sure she is Rana. Within a second i already in the same room but in disorder condition. Books scattered everywhere, bed and blanket thrown, but i stopped in a desk with a photo on the op of it written RANA MERIANA1976, seems like my room is from Rana’s old room. I started to get it why she always come to me. BAM! A body just thrown in front of the cupboard which is in front of me too, i tried to touch that body but my hands feels like emerged that body, i stood just there frozen and frighten looking through a girl ripped by a chopping knife, which that knife is held by a girl who is not far from my age.

          After feeling satisfied ripping Rana, that girl who killed Rana hurried to burried Rana’s body in old cupboard that has padlock. After that Rana’s killer pointed to a photo that hanging in the wall. I really shocked and i woken up from my sleep and running to bathroom fastly. I shocked when i see my mom who’s holding that chopping knife like in my dream. Then i remember that she is the one who killed Rana.  And now suddenly my mom embed the chopping knife to my head untill it’s bleeding. With a little awareness i see my dad and my brother who is cutted into pieces.

Rabu, 08 Juli 2015

Simple Past Tense VS Present Perfect Tense

Simple Past
It is used to indicate past actions or past habitual action or past habitual actions.
Examples :
    • My mother worked in this store last year.
    • Momon wrote a letter yesterday.
    • The expedition started in London in 1897.
    • We visited our uncle in Tegal 3 weeks ago.
    •  I went to the supermarket yesterday.

Present Perfect
It is used to show finished actions with results that are important now, or they are news now.
Examples :
    • She has cleaned the rooms already.
    •  He has bought some books.
    •  They have gotten into the bus.
    • We have taken our breakfast.
    • Someone has turned off the light.

Selasa, 05 Mei 2015

Adjective Clause

A sentence which contains just one clause is called a simple sentence.
A sentence which contains one independent clause and one or more dependent clauses is called a complex sentence. (Dependent clauses are also called subordinate clauses.)
There are three basic types of dependent clauses: adjective clauses, adverb clauses, and noun clauses. (Adjective clauses are also called relative clauses.)
This page contains information about adjective clauses. Also see Adverb Clauses and Noun Clauses.
Adjective clauses perform the same function in sentences that adjectives do: they modify nouns.
The teacher has a car. (Car is a noun.)
It’s a new car. (New is an adjective which modifies car.)
The car that she is driving is not hers.
(That she is driving is an adjective clause which modifies car. It’s a clause because it has a subject (she) and a predicate (is driving); it’s an adjective clausebecause it modifies a noun.)
Note that adjectives usually precede the nouns they modify; adjective clauses always follow the nouns they modify.

B. A sentence which contains one adjective clause and one independent clause is the result of combining two clauses which contain a repeated noun. You can combine two independent clauses to make one sentence containing an adjective clause by following these steps:
1. You must have two clauses which contain a repeated noun (or pronoun, or noun and pronoun which refer to the same thing). Here are two examples:
The book is on the table. + I like the book.
The man is here. + The man wants the book.
2. Delete the repeated noun and replace it with a relative pronoun in the clause you want to make dependent. See C. below for information on relative pronouns.
The book is on the table. + I like which
The man is here. + who wants the book
3. Move the relative pronoun to the beginning of its clause (if it is not already there). The clause is now an adjective clause.
The book is on the table. + which I like
The man is here. + who wants the book
4. Put the adjective clause immediately after the noun phrase it modifies (the repeated noun):
The book which I like is on the table.
The man who wants the book is here.

C. The subordinators in adjective clauses are called relative pronouns.
1. These are the most important relative pronouns: who, whom, that, which.
These relative pronouns can be omitted when they are objects of verbs. When they are objects of prepositions, they can be omitted when they do not follow the preposition.
WHO replaces nouns and pronouns that refer to people. It cannot replace nouns and pronouns that refer to animals or things. It can be the subject of a verb. In informal writing (but not in academic writing), it can be used as the object of a verb.
WHOM replaces nouns and pronouns that refer to people. It cannot replace nouns and pronouns that refer to animals or things. It can be the object of a verb or preposition. It cannot be the subject of a verb.
WHICH replaces nouns and pronouns that refer to animals or things. It cannot replace nouns and pronouns that refer to people. It can be the subject of a verb. It can also be the object of a verb or preposition.
THAT replaces nouns and pronouns that refer to people, animals or things. It can be the subject of a verb. It can also be the object of a verb or preposition (but that cannot follow a preposition; whom, which, and whose are the only relative pronouns that can follow a preposition).
2. The following words can also be used as relative pronouns: whose, when, where.
WHOSE replaces possessive forms of nouns and pronouns (see WF11 and pro in Correction Symbols Two). It can refer to people, animals or things. It can be part of a subject or part of an object of a verb or preposition, but it cannot be a complete subject or object. Whose cannot be omitted. Here are examples with whose:
The man is happy. + I found the man’s wallet. =
The man whose wallet I found is happy.
The girl is excited. + Her mother won the lottery. =
The girl whose mother won the lottery is excited.
WHEN replaces a time (in + year, in + month, on + day,...). It cannot be a subject. It can be omitted. Here is an example with when:
I will never forget the day. + I graduated on that day.=
I will never forget the day when I graduated.
The same meaning can be expressed in other ways:
I will never forget the day on which I graduated.
I will never forget the day that I graduated.
I will never forget the day I graduated.
WHERE replaces a place (in + country, in + city, at + school,...). It cannot be a subject. It can be omitted but a preposition (at, in, to) usually must be added. Here is an example with where:
The building is new. + He works in the building. =
The building where he works is new.
The same meaning can be expressed in other ways:
The building in which he works is new.
The building which he works in is new.
The building that he works in is new.
The building he works in is new.

D. Adjective clauses can be restrictive or nonrestrictive.
1. A restrictive adjective clause contains information that is necessary to identify the noun it modifies. If a restrictive adjective clause is removed from a sentence, the meaning of the main clause changes. A restrictive adjective clause is not separated from the main clause by a comma or commas. Most adjective clauses are restrictive; all of the examples of adjective clauses above are restrictive. Here is another example:
People who can’t swim should not jump into the ocean.
2. A nonrestrictive adjective clause gives additional information about the noun it modifies but is not necessary to identify that noun. If a nonrestrictive adjective clause is removed from a sentence, the meaning of the main clause does not change. A nonrestrictive adjective clause is separated from the main clause by a comma or commas. The relative pronoun that cannot be used in nonrestrictive adjective clauses. The relative pronoun cannot be omitted from a nonrestrictive clause. Here is an example:
Billy, who couldn’t swim, should not have jumped into the ocean.

E. Adjective clauses can often be reduced to phrases. The relative pronoun (RP) must be the subject of the verb in the adjective clause. Adjective clauses can be reduced to phrases in two different ways depending on the verb in the adjective clause.
1. RP + BE = 0
People who are living in glass houses should not throw stones. (clause)
People living in glass houses should not throw stones. (phrase)
Mary applied for a job that was advertised in the paper. (clause)
Mary applied for a job advertised in the paper. (phrase)
2. RP + OTHER VERB (not BE) = OTHER VERB + ing
People who live in glass houses should not throw stones.(clause)
People living in glass houses should not throw stones. (phrase)
Students who sit in the front row usually participate more. (clause)
Students sitting in the front row usually participate more. (phrase)

The Simple Present Tense

Pattern : Subject + Verb1
It is used to indicate :
·         Habitual actions.
Ex : I have breakfast at 7am.
       We go to church every Sunday.
·         Repeated actions.
Ex : The bell rings every hour.
        The traffic lights changer every 3 minutes.
·         General truth / facts.
Ex : The sun rises in the East.
        Indonesian people eat rice.

The verb is added by s or es if the subject is the third person singular (he, she, or it) :
·         es is added for the verbs ending in :
ex : ch (catch), s (kiss), sh (brush), x (fix), z (whizz)
·         es is also added for the verb ending in y and it is preceded y a consonant, but y is changed to i first :
ex : study à studies, carry à carries, try     à tries
for the verb ending in y but it is preceded by a vowel, they are only added by s :
ex : pay à pays, say à says
·         es is especially added for the verbs go and do :
ex : go à goes, do à does

To make negative and interrogative sentences, the auxiliary verbs are needed :
            Auxiliary         Subject
                DO                 You
               DOES               She
The time adverbials used in the simple present tense :

always, sometimes, generally, every, usually, frequently, never, rarely, seldom, often, ever.
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